I'm not what you would call gadget-savvy (give me a Remington typewriter any day). Here's why: I've logged in with my password, terminator (really, that's my password) for as long as I can remember (and here's my user ID: Harry. Go on, make my day). My computer usually welcomes me with this message: "Good Morning Harry Terminator. Have you told your neighbour about our referral scheme ? If your neighbour joins us, we'll give you 30 paise extra for every line you post within the next 3-1/2 minutes !!!! Tell your neighbour now, Harry !!! TELL !!!" to which I would smile coyly and reply, "no, really, I can't take advantage of your generosity." And thus, life went on. Imagine my shock then, when one day I logged in as usual and my computer asked me "Who are you?" What a question ! How am I supposed to know !?! Those of you who know the answer to the question "Who Are You?", raise your legs.......There ! Not a single leg ! Some questions are best left unanswered.....or even unasked.
Anyway, after much cajoling and coaxing and threatening, I discovered that my computer wanted me to change my password......Oh ! Did I tell you my password is 'terminator' ? Sorry ! I changed it. It's now 'exterminator' (and you can still make my day because my user ID is still 'Arnold' - I haven't changed that). I also discovered that, like everything else, my computer too was made in China, and that terrified the living daylights out of me. The Chinese (in competition with the Japs) make phones that can take your picture, double up as a computer, sing songs for you, send messages to your neighbour who's sitting less than half a foot away, play games, and in some cases, even shoot you if you press the wrong buttons long enough. You can also make calls (if you have the time). I have one such phone....at home.....somewhere.....I'm saving money to buy a microscope to look for it. Anyway, that's why I'm not gadget-savvy. In fact, I'm petrified of anything that vaguely resembles buttons.
Addendum: The Japs will wait for the Chinese to come up with the inventions and then simply buy the company and patent the products and run around claiming it's theirs. (Unrelated to any of the above, an addendum literally means 'add' to the 'end'.....'ummm' - as in 'this is an after-thought').
Moral of Story: Learn Chinese. Your next TL will be Made in China.