In "When God Winks," SQuire Rushnell talks about the "power of coincidence" that "guides your life." Having "interviewed scores of people and researched hundreds of coincidence stories in hopes that a new perspective on such synchronistic events would help others enrich their own lives," Rushnell is convinced beyond doubt that through the course of all our lives, God winks at us a million times - a God wink is what we call a "coincidence."
Rushnell's introductory chapter in "When God Winks" ends with a section titled "My promise to you"
"First, you are under the influence of a cosmic guidance system, and every day you receive little nudges to keep you on your chosen path.
Second, tracking the coincidences in your past will create an astonishingly lucid account of your life, while providing clarity to the grand possibilities on the road ahead.
Third, you can learn to harness the power of coincidences to enrich your future and to strengthen your inner convictions that the life path you've chosen is indeed the right path for you.
Lastly, you'll see that coincidences happen for a reason, and that's to let you know one thing: You are not alone."
Over the course of the book, Rushnell relates numerous career coincidences, relationship coincidences, spiritual winks, Holocaust survivors' tales, lost and re-united stories that happened because of an amazing series of God winks, "the winks of dates," "the winks of numbers," nick-of-time winks, even "cosmic humour"! Rushnell has recorded a treasure of serendepities that God generously sprinkles on our paths in our life journey, most of which we even fail to notice. Rushnell tells his readers: "As you embark on this marvelous process of discovering the winks in your life, I ask you to keep your mind open to possibilities you have never imagined and to be prepared to take action steps toward goals and dreams that may now seem distant."
Do that and read "When God Winks" by SQuire Rushnell. If nothing else, it's comforting to know God has a sense of humour!
This is Kitsch! Nothing in particular and everything in general. Please enter - "No Jacket Required" This blog is inspired by my all-time favourite quote: "Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say and say it hot." - D. H. Lawrence
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
"What we think we become."
Humanity's greatest thinkers have saluted the power of the mind. The Buddha said "“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.” All through mankind's history, philosphers, statesmen, even scientists have told us that the most powerful instrument available to human beings is their minds. It's scope is quite literally limitless. We don't need to look far to know this truth. We're surrounded by greatness and excellence - the man who first landed on the moon, the billionaire's empire built from scratch, demi-God sportpersons, inventors, those who achieved excellence in art - they're all people like you and me. They just stretched a little longer. ""What we think determines what happens to us, so if we want to change our lives, we need to stretch our minds," says Wayne Dyer a "life coach" and motivational speaker. What keeps us from achieving our own greatness is our zombie-like everyday motions of existence which we have to come to believe and accept as our life. We exist in suspended animation, and one day--too soon--it's time to go home. We're scared of our dreams because we don't believe we can achieve them, so we clutter our mind with frivolous trivialities, argue for our limitations, nuture them carefully, and go from one failure to the next with a stoic stupidity that would be laughable if it weren't so tragic. We draw negativity to ourselves because we refuse to believe that good things can happen to us. If you constantly tell the Universe that you are its greatest liability, the Universe will agree; but if you free your mind completely of your self-perceived limitations, if you refuse to accept your own negativity and the negativity of others around you, if you constantly believe in your dream and work towards achieving it, if you just never ever give up, the Universe will respond to you in astonishing ways. Think about it! Nothing, absolutely nothing, is impossible to you! There's no obstacle that doesn't hide a piece of the sun behind it, there's no failure without a lesson that you need to learn, and there really is no human weakness--not one--that you cannot quash if it stands in the path to your dreams. "Your mind is an instrument, a tool. It is there to be used for a specific task, and when the task is completed, you lay it down. As it is, I would say about 80 to 90 percent of most people's thinking is not only repetitive and useless, but because of its dysfunctional and often negative nature, much of it is also harmful. Observe your mind and you will find this to be true. It causes a serious leakage of vital energy," says Eckhart Tolle, best-selling author of "The Power of Now." Believe it! NOTHING IS BEYOND YOU. Believe it completely. Drench your subconscious with this thought. Dare to dream your wildest dream and watch the Universe open its doors for you. But even for the Universe to do that, you have to be ready and you have to know when to walk through the door when it opens for you.
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