Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Time stretches like an eternal blanket of snow
Listening to Life's soft footfalls steady and low
And Memories, Life's companions in shadow
Imprint images on Time in a hazy glow

Hope, a tiny seed in the eternal blanket ensconced
In its icy warmth forms a lasting bond
And when Life begins to limp on the snow
And Joy's laughter is silenced by Sorrow

Hope springs from Time's embracing arms
To walk by Life's side and restore her lost charms
Dancing to Memories' bittersweet tunes so soft
Hope wakes Faith from slumber and holds her aloft

When Pain and Sorrow chase Life down Time's lane
When Hope falters and only Memories remain
Faith orders Courage to join the race
Time welcomes Courage into the chase

Life now with Courage, Faith, Memories and Hope
No longer runs or hides from Pain
Life is better equipped to cope
Hope, Memories, Faith, and Courage still remain

Time's precious gifts and friends for all
Because of them Life will rise after every fall.


It was the in thing. Everybody did it and so did I. At the end of it, all of us had the same embossed certificate - AWARDED FOR THE SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF 'ART OF CONVERSATION AND UNDERSTANDING'. As I held the certificate unable to decide what I should feel, I saw someone I recognised from the neighbourhood. He was a queer being. Never spoke much, glared at everyone, and walked around menacingly. Some said he practised witchcraft; others said that was not strange - the whole world was doing it.

Anyway, a man had been murdered in our locality. Naturally, everyone was excited. One heard nothing else the whole day, so though surprised, I was not shocked when my neighbourhood apparition spoke:
HE: The knife was stuck into the forehead.
ME: And I heard there was froth all over the face.
HE: (Triumphantly) We licked it. I carved out the eye for myself. Most of the froth had settled there. Lucky! (he smacked his lips)
The bile rose in me and my legs turned to jelly and lead at the same time.
ME: (Weakly) Didn't you feel sick?
HE: You're joking! I managed to grab the hair....
HE: Delicious! It was dripping with the reddest blo....
HE: (Looking annoyed) But my friend got the whole tongue. Would've enjoyed a piece myself.
The scream never came and my stomach heaved.
HE: (Concerned) You look a little pale. The ear would've undoubtedly cured you (shrugs)....your loss (then, suddenly excited) The gums! How could I have forgotten the gums!! It was.....
HE: (Impatiently) We'll have to do something about yoru screams...
HE: (Suspciously) You're not jealous, are you..
ME: (Horrified) No! NO!
HE: You should be!
I dig my nails into my palm (to keep from screaming) till it bleeds.
HE: (Aghast) Your palms are bleeding!!
ME: (Shakily) But you're not scared of blood!!!??!!
HE: No, I'm not scared.....I'm TERRIFIED!
ME: But the hair you said was dripping with....
HE: (Perplexed) Bloody Mary? So what?
ME: (Wildly) The froth....!?!?
HE: (More perplexed) Champagne? So WHAT?
ME: (Hysterically) You ATE A FACE!!! You can't be....
HE: The B'day cake!?!? SO WHAAT?????
We stare at each other. We SSCCCRRREEEAAAMMMMM...
I stare down at my certificate stupidly and look at him. He's staring into his own folder. I look in and see an embossed certificate: AWARDED FOR THE SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF 'ART OF CONVERSATION AND UNDERSTANDING'