What Israel is doing to Lebanon is nothing short of state-sponsored terrorism. Look at how blatantly it's being done! Where is the crusading leader of world peace now? If Israel kills innocent civilians, it's acceptable as long as the killers are Jewish and the victims are Muslims. Nobody would dare call that Jewish terrorism even though it's being done with the sanction of the state of Israel and the sanction of the rest of the "world community" - read hypocrites. But if one Muslim maniac blows himself up somewhere, then it's "Islamic fundamentalism" - the whole community is held accountable, crucified, and made to feel defensive for one mad man's actions. How much more hypocritical can we get? Even within this, there's hypocrisy. Pakistan's rep in India can sit here on Indian soil and tell us that wanted terrorists in Pakistan will not be handed over to India for investigation and get away with it without so much as a wrap on his knuckles - no peace process speech, no regional cooperation, nothing here. Iraq needs US interference to "bring democracy" to its people, but Pakistan can continue to be a dictatorship, it can continue to sponsor terrorism in India, its "leader" can continue to rule in his military fatigues - I salute Musharraf for one thing though - his spunk - he's a dictator, he knows it, he doesn't care, and he doesn't pretend to be anything else which is a lot more than I can say for Dr. No Backbone.
Bush is speeding up the process to sell bombs to Israel. That's his reaction to what's going on over there. So, if you're Israel, then the US will not make speeches about democracy, human rights, and the stability of the West Asian region but if you're Iran and even if you're Iran minding your own business and not threatening anyone's existence, you're a threat to world peace. The rest of the "world community" including "Dr." Manmohan Spineless Singh are fellow cartoons of Bush and Rice. Condoleeza Rice is visiting the region apparently - who is this good-for-nothing woman who goes around poking her nose in everyone's affairs? Who cares what she thinks? Does the world have to run according to her two-faced definitions of justice, democracy, and peace? How can people who are completely ignorant of other cultures, their way of life, their compulsions, their tragedies, and their triumphs still interfere to "bring democracy"? God has personally whipsered in Bush's ears that he leaves the world in his care. The man doesn't even realize what he's doing to his own people. Today, Americans everywhere are at threat, in their own land and outside; the world either hates them or treats them as dumb clowns - they have rightfully earned this reputation. By and large, they're arrogant, ignorant, and pathetically self-absorbed. They don't have an iota of respect or standing in the world community except with their no-good cronies, the Brits - even there, it's only the watery Prime Minister who wags his tail for every Bush trick - the people of Britain have made it well known what they think of Blair and Bush.
Will Bush include Israel in his "axis of evil" category? Does he have the guts to call Israel a Jewish terrorist state and suffer the domestic economic consequences? If he doesn't, this apology for a President should zip his delinquent lips and stay out of other people's business. Every country has the capability to deal with its problems - we don't need a man who cannot speak his own language efficiently trying to communicate with other parts of the world about right and wrong. Mercifully, this apology will be out soon - he can sit back smugly and look at the legacy he's left behind and feel happy - a vertically divided world where violence has touched almost every single nation today for which he and he alone and directly is responsible.
Every single evil act that takes place in today's world, Bush is directly responsible for. He has to live with the curses of every human being who has lost a daughter, a son, a mother, a father, or a sibling to acts of terror anywhere in this world - Bush, and not the terrorists, is responsible for this. He has made the world a lot more dangerous than it ever was and hopefully when the "President" leaves, his nation will come to its senses under a better leadership and there will be some semblance of sanity in the world again.
I agree with you on Bush issue, but Israel is fighting because they have no choice; they fight because Lebanon is terrorist sponsored country. They have been terrorizing Israel for centuries.
That's exactly what the Lebanese thinks of Israel - that Israel has been terrorizing Lebanon for centuries, so we're even. If that's how it is, then there's no reason for a song and dance everytime Lebanon bombs Israel - Bush and his spineless cronies should just shut up and let the two countries bomb each other out of existence. Why one rule for Lebanon and another for Israel?
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
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