Saturday, September 01, 2007

"Is There A God?"

Manmohan Singh: Yes, and I am her most faithful servant.

Nicolas Sarkozy: Only in France.

Sanjay Dutt: I hope so.

China: No, but if you place an order we can make Him.

George Bush: I am He. Duh.

Salman Khan: There'd better be.

CPM: We're not saying there is no God. We're just saying show us the proof there is.

Arun Jaitley: I cannot comment as the matter is sub judice.

Hillary Clinton: Ask me next year.

Mamata Banerjee: I am the proof.

Hugo Chavez: I don't know about God. But there is a devil who thinks he's God.

Woody Allen: I don't know yet. I'm trying find out in my next film titled 'Who allowed the Devil to wear Prada?'

Kapil Sibal: If there is, how do you explain Arun Jaitley?

Dick Cheney: an undisclosed location.

Pervez Mussharaf: You tell me.

Fidel Castro: Where?


Anonymous said...

Is the proof-demanding CPM from Buddha's Bengal or from God's Own Country ( No, not New Zealand, the original Godzone but our own Kerala)?

Aparna Muralidhar said...

Both I guess - if I belonged to either place, I would ask for proof of God's existence too.
Best, Aparna

Anonymous said...

I see that your God is bisexual.

In the first statement, it is a She and thereafter, a He.

Aparna Muralidhar said...

I meant Manmohan Singh's God is Sonia Gandhi - I had hoped it wouldn't be too subtle for people to catch. Should I rewrite it in some way?

Anonymous said...

No, you couldn't have put it any better and it was quite obvious about Sonia being the God for Man...

I was merely wondering aloud about how God appears differently to different people.

Aparna Muralidhar said...

Amen ;-)

Anonymous said...

LOL @ Manmohan Singh and Chavez....

Very original list....

can't stop laughing...

You did forget Arundhati Roy...:)

Aparna Muralidhar said...

Thank you DS! Aah yes...the Goddess of Small Things ;-)

Titus Judah said...

It wud be interesting to read replies of a few more "greats" in this world like the following:

Amma (Jayalalitha)
Big B
Mukesh Ambani
Bill Gates
Osama (either the living one or the dead one)
The "Mushy" General (u know who)
One Ms. Lewinsky
Condy Rice
Madam Prez
LK Advani

Aparna Muralidhar said...

Titus - Thank you! I promise to try. Mush is already featured ("you tell me") Best, Aparna